Helping the Helpers!
shadows of the heart CE training and consulting: best practices for helping professionals who work with Female love, PORn/sex, And relationship addiction (and avoidance issues)
I'm Anastasia (Staci) Sprout, MSW, and I'm passionate about empowering helping professionals supporting women to heal - from love, sex/pornography and relationship addictions, and other intimacy struggles! TAKE AN ONLINE TRAINING CLASS at your own pace, or JOIN A DROP-IN GROUP CONSULTATION FOCUSED ON BEST PRACTICES WITH WOMEN Fridays at 9am PACIFIC TIME. ALL GENDERS WELCOME!
To see the latest online learning educational opportunities for professionals working with women with love, sex and relationship addictions, go to my online class page at https://stacisprout.thinkific.com/.
Private individual consultation sessions available to helping professionals, $200/hr.
CLASSES OPEN NOW! See below for details.
Each class has one or more FREE articles, downloads and outlines - just sign up for the FREE materials and you can access/download NOW!
Top Ten Struggles and Strategies of Professionals Treating Women with Love, Sex and Relationship Addictions
2 HOUR Online Class, learn at your own pace.
In 2018, I launched an ambitious project to interview 46 top national and international field experts* in treating women with love, sex and relationship addiction. [Scroll down to see experts]
I asked them two questions:
1) What are your biggest struggles when working with this population?
2) What are your most successful interventions when treating women?
This webinar is the result of analysis of that research, combined with my own 13 years experience as a specialty provider with women in recovery from love, sex and relationship addiction - and some of it will surprise you!
I talked with licensed therapists, pastoral counselors, certified coaches, and inpatient treatment center administrators, many of whom are in recovery from sex and love addiction themselves, as I am. They were a warm, dedicated, passionate group of people, and I know you will benefit from the collected wisdom consolidated here.
The first hour is focused on the top ten barriers professionals face when treating women. The second covers the most frequently mentioned perspectives, approaches and strategies you can use to increase your confidence and competence with this population.
The section on key differences in treating women and men is not to be missed!
I've added timely research-based content to discuss the special challenges that the cyberworld brings to girls and women, including The 5 Core Beliefs of "Sexual Liberation Gaslighting" that I see younger women (under 30) particularly struggling with today.
BEST PRACTICES IN INDIVIDUAL TREATMENT with Female Love, Sex and Relationship Addictions
12 Hours+, RECORDED SMALL GROUP Classroom for Community Learning & Discovery Experience, PRINTABLE DOWNLOAD ASSESSMENT TOOLS
Course Outline*
WEEK 1: From Three Circles to Five: A Positive Paradigm for Discovering Intimacy and Sexual "Sobriety" with Women (spoiler alert: it's a process:)
WEEK 2: The Vulnerable Provider: Specific Tools to Build Empathy, Connection, and Help Women Overcome Intense Shame
WEEK 3: Wound to Wisdom: Grief Discernment and Support Strategies
WEEK 4: Resentment Reduction: A Practical Tool to Identify and Transform Rage, Resentment, and Anger
WEEK 5: Fantasy, Fear, and “Fearesponsibility”: Mental and Emotional Empowerment for Women
WEEK 6: Addiction Intersection and Trauma Transformation with Women: The Symbiosis of Addiction and Trauma Recovery
*Many of these tools and approaches work very well in groups, intensives, and individual treatment!
5 hour ethics online course: learn at your own pace
Expert Ethics Series: Treatment for Female Love, Sex and Relationship Addicts and Male Partners: What Every Provider Should Know
Interviews with four field experts on topics essential to work with this populations. 50% of profits from this class are donated to women in need of treatment for love, sex/pornography and relationship addictions!
Foundational ethics for this vulnerable population
Ethics working with women sex and love addicts in the sex trade
Ethics for women who perpetrate/invade others’ boundaries
Ethics working with male partners of female sex addicts
Where do helping professionals go to learn about female-informed care for sex, love/relationship, and porn addiction? Finally, some resources are available!
This program includes modules on best practices for care for both individual and group treatment for women. Materials can benefit clients of all genders and issues, but were especially designed for the unique needs of female sex, love/relationship, and porn addicts.
The Best Practices for FSLA Clinical Care program includes:
Clear, enthusiastic training videos taught by Staci Sprout, LICSW, sex addition specialty therapist, based on her training, what worked for her in therapy/recovery, and over fifteen years of direct clinical experience working with women in individual and group therapy for sex/love/porn addiction.
Innovative, effective individual practice tools, for example How to Help Your Clients Transform Negative/Harmful Sexual Fantasy, Resentment Reduction: How to Help Your Clients Transform Rage into Empowerment, and Wound to Wisdom: How to Help Your Clients Transform Grief.
Training and materials for online class facilitators, so you can start your own online 8 week Intimacy Skills Bootcamp for Women.
Written materials you can use as handouts or clinical guides.
Practice forms like Informed Consent for Groups you can adapt with your letterhead.
And much more!