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1818 Westlake Avenue North
Seattle, WA, 98109
United States


This is the homepage of Anastasia (Staci) Sprout, MSW. Staci is a retired licensed psychotherapist, global intimacy/recovery coach, author, publisher, and promoter of high candor stories of overcoming adversity. This site serves as a portal to her work and coaching practice, and her memoir Naked In Public: A Memoir of Recovery From Sex Addiction and Other Temporary Insanities..

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SOAAR Global

SOAAR stands for Support for Organized Abuse and Addiction Recovery. For more information, check out the link below.

 SOAAR GLOBAL was founded in 2023.

Our mission: Educate - Activate - Heal

Our mission is to offer professional consultation and training, education, direct action events and healing resources for survivors, helpers and allies impacted by organized extreme abuse.