Teen/Young Women's Sex-Love Addiction Resources
“Billie Eilish says watching porn as a child ‘destroyed my brain’.
Singer says exposure from the age of 11 messed her up when she began dating as ‘I was not saying no to things that were not good’”
intensives and residential care
Bethesda Intensive workshop for teen females ages 15-18
(18-year-olds still in high school) and their parents (Nashville, tn)
This clinical intensive workshop is family-based, rather than a program just for the adolescent girls themselves. Whoever is identified as the girl's parents (whether parents or step-parents - those who have primary residential and legal responsibility for the teen) are REQUIRED to attend.
The workshop is a group process where multiple families attend at the same time (normally four to six families). The participants move between brief educational segments, activities, and group settings. Some of the groups are separate gatherings of the girls and another group for the parents, where each population has a safe space to share their challenges as a family. Other groups are family therapy (with the girls and parents together) in a multi-family group setting with a male and female group leader. The intensive is active, experiential, and engaging for both the teen and the parents.
The inaugural Healing for Teen Females & Parents Workshops took place in 2018.
The workshop fee includes all lodging and meals for all family members attending. (Families will be housed in an executive suite at a nearby hotel.) Insurance does not cover the cost, but a no-interest payment plan is available.
See Bethesda's website has complete information:
While none of the programs below proclaims to specialize in sexual compulsivity treatment for teen girls/young women, they do treat many underlying causes and conditions of the self-soothing or self-numbing behaviors. Do your research carefully, but here is a start:
4928 N 4500 West
Cedar City, UT 84721, United States
Phone: 855-667-9388
Fax: (435) 865-9584
Email: contact@discoveryranchforgirls.com
ReStart Services for Internet/Screen/Video-Gaming Addictions
Innovative care begins with brilliant, dedicated, and experienced people. And we’re not talking about our staff here (although they are brilliant too.) We’re talking about the like minded people who join us for an intensive screen free experience.
Is it tough? It can be. Is it difficult? It most certainly is. But the people who abandon their devices for a period of time, build a plan for sustainable digital use, and go out and live their plans. Well, they’re just absolutely astounding.
And we get the privilege of connecting, and witnessing change every day. Ordinary people, living extraordinary lives-taking their digital dependence, and channeling it in life enriching ways. Perhaps that’s why our outcomes are so good. Because the people who join us, well, they are just that good too. They just need a little nudge, and mentors who care.
And that’s where we come in. We offer world-class video game addiction treatment, in addition to our Internet gaming disorder treatment and support for mental health conditions.
At The Maples, we focus on helping teenage girls who are struggling with their mental health, including trauma, disordered eating, and/or substance use.
Strengthening Families. We are here for you and your family through every step of the way.
Newport Academy - near Los Angeles, CA
To protect the privacy of our residents, we do not disclose the address of our residential teen treatment facilities to the public. If you are interested in learning more about our locations, please contact us at 888.934.1222.
Inner Change - Multiple residential programs across the U.S. for adolescent girls, variety of levels of care.
media for teens struggling with pornography:
Article: Girls Can Struggle with Compulsive Sexual Behavior Too! by Marnie Ferree
Video: Can Teenagers Be Sex Addicts? Kenneth Adams
Online Program: Fortify, a science-based recovery tool to help individuals quit pornography through comprehensive training, real-time analytics, and interactive support so that more people can find greater happiness and lasting love.
Book: Fortify: The Fighter’s Guide to Overcoming Pornography
Videos: Fight the New Drug - https://www.youtube.com/user/FightTheNewDrug
OTHER RESOURCES FOR WOMEN which may be helpful for teens:
Naked in Public: A Memoir of Recovery From Sex Addiction and Other Temporary Insanities
In this intensely personal memoir, Staci Sprout offers a vulnerable account of her recovery journey from the painful world of sexual intrigue and addiction to recovery, family healing, and true love.
I've made a more complete list of links to ten other women's sex and love addiction memoirs on my blog, here: http://www.stacisprout.com/new-blog/2018/1/31/womens-sex-and-love-addiction-memoirs-with-first-sentences
Ready to Heal FREE Study Guide
Kelly McDaniel provides further explanation of the topics covered in Ready to Heal. Expanded description of the Four Cultural Beliefs, Mother Hunger, and Female Friendships are included. Additionally, guided questions for thought and tools for recovery are provided.
Worth Recovery - Amy Smith
Worth Recovery is an organization dedicated to dispelling shame and building hope in the lives of women recovering from sex addiction. Amy shares the experiences of women in recovery to help you build hope & recovery! Podcast, Events, Education! http://worthrecovery.com/
Worth Recovery Podcast: Great podcasts about women and sexual recovery https://worthrecovery.podbean.com/
Jace Downey, recovering sex addict and documentary filmmaker – great links and projects:
You Tube series of videos of Jace discussing her progress with sex addiction recovery, popular culture, and the struggles and triumphs of her journey. https://www.youtube.com/user/JaceDowney/videos.
Also, Jace offers a 90 minute online course on sex addiction, here: https://www.jacedowney.com/sexaddiction.
NoFap Peer Support for Women/Girls (and Men/Boys) - Article “Women Struggle with Porn Addiction Too” and links to online support forums. For more detailed help,
Porn Problems: Here Come the Women
Great resource page from YourBrainOnPorn.com for women, listing research, articles, testimonials and comments from women struggling with sex and porn addiction.
For Christian-oriented resources for teens and women struggling with porn:
SheRecovery Porn Addiction Support for Women: https://sherecovery.com/
Living On Purpose Coaching and Pastoral Counseling: https://livingonpurposekc.com/
Covenant Eyes extensive resource list: http://www.covenanteyes.com/2014/06/30/resources-women-struggle-porn/
If you have any resources you’d like to see added or corrected on this list, please contact me with your information. It is ever-evolving! :)
Last update: 12.15.2021