Significant Legal Justice for Guilty Party Nicole Prause...What About Those Pulling Her Strings?
Anastasia (Staci) Sprout
It’s been two and a half years since I wrote about Nicole Prause, and I’m happy to say that significant legal gains have been achieved in the ongoing harassment & other attack cases accusing her. In fact, every single legal contest that Prause has entered into has been a loss on her side. THESE include THE SECOND BOGUS SMALL CLAIMS SUIT SHE BROUGHT AGAINST ME IN WASHINGTON, WHICH WAS DISMISSED, AND:
Source link:
1) Gary Wilson (Your Brain on Porn) Wins Second Legal Victory Against Sexologist Nicole Prause
Activist porn researcher owes penalty plus court costs after her defamation suit fails
2) YBOP acquires in trademark infringement settlement (January 2021)
3) Gary Wilson (Your Brain on Porn) Wins Legal Victory Against Sexologist Nicole Prause’s Efforts to Silence Him
4) Prause settles the defamation lawsuits Donald Hilton and Alex Rhodes brought against her
SCRAM’s public apology:
An apology to Alexander Rhodes and NoFap LLC
May 21, 2020
By Scram Media, Sam Bright and Kate Plummer
On 20 January 2020 we published an article on entitled “Academic receives “death threats” from far-right after crowdfunding campaign to sue her.”The article contained numerous false and defamatory statements concerning NoFap LLC (‘NoFap’) and its founder Alexander Rhodes. In particular, the article wrongly suggested that NoFap and Mr Rhodes were affiliated with extremists (including anti-Semites); that they had brought a frivolous and vexatious defamation claim in order to stymie legitimate academic research; that they had incited extremists to harass and threaten the defendant in those proceedings (a Dr Nicole Prause); and that they had published misleading information about the campaign in order to secure crowdfunding.
We wish to unequivocally retract the allegations contained within the article and apologise for the damage and distress caused to NoFap and Mr Rhodes by the publication.
We acknowledge that what we published was wholly misleading and an inaccurate representation, both of the work undertaken by NoFap and Mr Rhodes, and of the defamation claim brought by Mr Rhodes against Dr Prause, and that neither Mr. Rhodes or NoFap have incited members of extremist hate groups to harass or threaten Dr Prause.
Mr Rhodes’ defamation claim against Dr Prause does not concern her research, but rather alleged defamatory attacks on Mr Rhodes and NoFap. The formal copy of the legal Complaint in that claim (issued in the US Federal Court) can be found here. We acknowledge that there was, and is, nothing misleading about the crowdfunding campaign associated with this litigation.
NoFap is a pornography recovery online platform which enables users to connect with a supportive community of individuals determined to reduce or eliminate pornography use and free themselves from compulsive sexual behaviours. Unlike many initiatives that have traditionally criticised pornography, Mr Rhodes’ website prides itself on being secular, apolitical, sex-positive, and science-based. We understand that it is used by men and women from all over the world, from a wide variety of backgrounds, religious and spiritual beliefs (or non-belief), sexual orientations and identities, ages, nationalities, ethnicities, and other characteristics.
We wish to apologise to Mr Rhodes, NoFap and our readers. and we have agreed to pay substantial damages to NoFap and Mr Rhodes together with legal costs in respect of the damage/distress caused by the article.
Scram Media Limited
Sam Bright
Kate Plummer
7) OTHERS Who advance prause’s lies sued for defamation and lose.
8) Prause’s vexatious lawsuit against Rhodes’s lawyer dismissed
9) PRAUSe’s Malicious trademark squatting fails
AS SATISFYING AS ALL THESE LEGAL WINS HAVE BEEN, they have not stopped Nicole Prause from her online campaign of defamation. So my question is: what can be done about those pulling her strings? Her behavior has clearly involved more than one person…legal corruption…and massive resources to attack so many people…including researchers, medical doctors, therapists, psychologists, a former UCLA colleague, a UK charity, men in recovery, a TIME magazine editor, several professors, IITAP, SASH, Fight The New Drug, Exodus Cry, TraffickingHub,, RebootNation, YourBrainRebalanced, the academic journal Behavioral Sciences, its parent company MDPI, US Navy medical doctors, the head of the academic journal CUREUS, and the journal Sexual Addiction & Compulsivity. And more.
It’s obvious to me the entity that stands to gain from Prause’s prodigious efforts - if we look at means, motive, and opportunity - is the rape (“porn”) industry. She looks like a puppet, and they look guilty. It’s just diabolical common sense to use a woman to hide behind to attack so many men. What will stop her/them?