a webinar for everyone*
*18 & Older, or with Parent/Guardian Permission
What are you waiting for?
Girls and Women are WORTH PROTECTING…NOW!
*NOTE: The live online classes are now concluded. If you are interested in a class for your organization, please contact Anastasia via the contact form. Fee dependent upon size of group.
from birth forward, girls and women are at risk from online tricks, traps, predators, and Harmful peer pressure.
knowledge is power.
prevention is priceless.
Let’s learn together!
This :90 course covers risks in the following areas:
Developmental Damage from Screen Overexposure
What is "Digital Dissociation?"
Hijacking Self-Esteem & Body Image
"Sexual Liberation Gaslighting"
Predatory Influences & Relationships
Do You Have "Porn -Traumatic Stress Disorder"?
And the most important topic: What We Can Do to PROTECT GIRLS and WOMEN NOW!
Tools to help moms, aunties, and other concerned loved ones to know which questions to ask young women (you discern maturity levels and readiness)!
Class participants will receive:
An “Online Safety Worksheet” to review for yourself and with others you love that explores a variety of online risks, including dating, harassment, cybersex, and more. Offers positive a listing of healthy vs. unhealthy sexuality qualities.
A “Porn Categories Checklist” to learn about and open conversation about modern porn exposure.
A “Porn-Traumatic Stress Disorder Checklist” to assess porn’s negative impact.
A “Loving Life Toolkit!" to support new, healthy directions in life for yourself and any girls/women you care about.
Anastasia (Staci) Sprout, MSW
…an. experienced psychotherapist from Seattle with over twenty-eight years of experience.
Since 2006, she has dedicated her practice to helping individuals, groups and couples in recovery from sex/pornography, love and relationship addictions. She teaches Intimacy Skills classes and consults with professionals.
Anastasia’s full professional vitae can be viewed HERE.