Online Support Groups for Women
Women’s Sex/Love Addiction Drop-In Discussion GroupS with Lacy bentley
These are a drop-in discussion groups for women (only) dealing with sex and/or love addiction, hosted by Lacy Bentley. Groups meet Tuesday (free) and Thursday (paid) 4:30pm Pacific, 7:30pm Eastern.
These are not 12-step groups or therapy; they are a place to share struggles or triumphs, to give and receive support, and to just not be alone. We want this to be a safe place for all who identify as being a female sex, porn, or love addict.
Groups are not recorded, but do allow you to turn on your video camera so you can see and be seen by others in the group. You have the option of turning off your camera to remain more anonymous if you so choose. Either way, we ask that you keep your microphone muted until you wish to speak so that any background noise is not disruptive to the group.
Lacy and her husband Jon also run meetings together for male partners. Contact Lacy for more info: 801-358-9806, or via lacy@herrecoveryroadmap.com.
“SHE RECOVERY” with Crystal Renaud Day
Join on-going virtual (primarily Christian faith-based) groups that meet weekly (Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday). Focused on healing porn/sex addiction groups, but love addiction is often discussed as well. You can learn more about them here: http://sherecovery.com/?via=anastasia-staci
Pure Desire Christian Online Support Groups for Women with Intimacy, Relationships, Sexuality Problems with debby flanagan
Call Clinician Debby Flanagan directly for information at 1-503-489-0232.
The groups for women struggling with sexual acting out behaviors are called "Unraveled." Based on the CSAT model and facilitated:
Gavin Sharpe / Rivera Wellbeing
Launching Weekly Women's Online Group: "Connected"
Starting 25th January 2021, ongoing
18:00 to 19:15 (CET)
"Authenticity is the daily practice of letting go of who we think we're supposed to be and embracing who we are"
(Brene Brown)
Starting on 25th January 2021, a new weekly, online women’s group, Connected. A safe and confidential space for a small group of women to explore their core sense of authentic, emotional intimacy. I believe groups provide the perfect setting for us to learn more about ourselves, our relationship patterns and to understand better our emotions.
One emotion that groups help us appreciate is shame. Brené Brown (2008) found twelve categories in which women struggle the most with feelings of shame. These include: appearance and body image, motherhood, family, parenting, money and work, mental and physical health, sex, aging, religion, being stereotyped and labeled, speaking out and surviving trauma. I believe we are all wounded. We are all healing. There are few better places to heal than with other kindred spirits in a facilitated group setting. The group is facilitated by myself thereby providing focus, safety and structure. Sessions typically begin with a short check-in, followed by a discussion topic. The group is interactive with all members encouraged to participate and share.
This is a closed group. To protect the safety and integrity of the group, a 6-week attendance commitment is required. Places are limited and will be awarded according to suitability and after that on a first come first served basis. The maximum number who can attend will be 10. The cost is €50 per session. After the six-week block, members may leave the group or others may be invited to join. In summary, Connected will be a space to realize through exploration and through the eyes of others that you are good enough. For further information, please contact me.
Laney Knowlton COUNSELING - Texas
Ongoing Professionally-Led Groups for Female Sex/Love Addicts (https://knowltoncounseling.com/sla-group-therapy/)
In person groups available in the Dallas/Ft Worth area, online groups available for those in Texas (contact us if you are interested in joining from another state). Groups are $250 monthly and meet once a week for two hours. Joining a group requires a two-month commitment. Beyond the first two months, group members are welcome to continue to attend as long as they'd like. Groups max out at eight participants. We also offer individual and couples counseling for both addicts and partners. You can contact us through our website - www.KnowltonCounseling.com
Women’s Healthy Intimacy Group with KIMBERLY LITTON
Grow your support network and meet new friends! For women wanting to work on: sex and or love addiction, sex and or love avoidance, gain knowledge of self and intimacy, self love and healthy relationships and healthy sexuality.
Tuesdays at 6:30 Eastern Time.
Kimberly Litton LCSW, CSAT 561-319-1699
www.klcounseling.com or email kimlitton@klcounseling.com
FEMALE LOVE ADDICTION HEALING GROUP - MARISSA M BOYCE - based around childhood trauma and love addiction
Online six month weekly group for female love addicts who are hoping to explore the connection between their childhood trauma and love addiction. 50 dollars/week and applicants from all over the world can apply to join. Group starting in December 2022. https://www.wholeheartedhealingbc.com/groups-and-workshops
Please click here to submit your name to the list: https://forms.wix.com/63408a13-29b6-4ecd-a81c-fa20d71c9b98:9ce0dadb-d589-4ce5-9956-0714e0f69288
Click To Kick Programme at Naked Truth Project (Based in UK but open to all women)
It's an 8 week kickstarter programme for those dealing with problematic porn use and it's charged on a donation basis so a great resource where money is restrictive.
Hannah Meyer Sjöblom CSAT, Addiction therapist
CSAT, Addiction therapist
Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous
has a women's phone group which has phone meetings everyday of the week. Your client can go to slaawomensgroup.org. There will be a tab for newcomers so that she can get the code to get into the women's meetings. (There are 2 newcomer "screening meetings" each week so that the woman can get the code there. )
Sex Addicts Anonymous
has a women’s Intergroup with lots of helpful information: https://saaforwomen.org.
and also has a women’s page where you can get information on meetings, how to contact other women, and female-oriented literature: https://saa-recovery.org/women/