Seattle therapist and author describes her memoir: Naked in Public: A Memoir of Recovery From Sex Addiction and Other Temporary Insanities. Great resource for women and men struggling with sexual addition, love addiction, porn addiction, or any addiction--and the people who love them! A story of hope.
Staci shares about 5 KEY MILESTONES in sexual recovery and reads from her own story about how she faced these milestones. Q&A included. Please share!
What is it like to publish a memoir about your recovery from sex addiction? Anastasia (Staci) Sprout answers this question and more at the launch party for her memoir, "Naked in Public: A Memoir of Recovery From Sex Addiction and Other Temporary Insanities." Anastasia is introduced by her older sister, who shares about the impact on the family of revealing truths long kept hidden. In this funny, vulnerable, and heart-warming presentation, you'll hear two excerpts of "Naked in Public," meet several characters in the story, and receive inspiration for never giving up on your own creative gifts!
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Anastasia (Staci) Sprout, author of "Naked in Public: A Memoir of Recovery of Sex Addiction and Other Temporary Insanities", speaks on the topic of the endearing, enduring love of 12-step sponsorship and the difference it makes in not just one addict's life, but in a family and a whole community. Readings from the book cover topics of defining God, whether masturbation is a sin, and how she tried to make it right with the women she'd harmed through her sexual infidelities. Special guest stories by Leilani Sprout, Anastasia's mom.
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